
原创:咪咕 学习知识 2023-06-15


1.在写作引言时,我们可以使用这些词语:according to(根据)、in light of(考虑到)、with regard to(关于)等。如:

With regard to the question of whether the government should implement strict measures to limit carbon emissions, opinions differ widely.


2.引出下一个论点或者段落时,我们可以运用such as(例如)、similarly(相似地)、in addition(另外)、furthermore(此外)等连词。如:

In addition to eating a healthy diet, exercising and getting enough sleep are also important for maintaining good health.


3.表示因果关系时,我们可以使用as a result(因此)、thus(因此)、therefore(因此)、consequently(因此)、so(所以)等词语。如:

The increasing amount of waste produced by humans has led to serious pollution of the environment, thus damaging ecosystems.



Although the use of social media has brought people closer together, it has also led to social isolation among individuals.


5.在总结和结论部分,我们可以用in conclusion(总之)、to sum up(总之)、in short(简言之)等来结束文章,表达最后的观点。如:

In conclusion, we must take immediate and effective measures to reduce carbon emissions and protect the environment for future generations.




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签约作家 .发文2905篇. 被2人关注
