
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-04-13

My bedroom is my favorite place in the house. The walls are painted in a light blue color, which makes the room feel calm and relaxing. I have a queen-size bed with a soft, fluffy comforter and plenty of pillows to snuggle with at night. 

In one corner of the room, there is a bookshelf where I keep all of my favorite books. I love to read before going to bed and this makes me feel calm and relaxed. In another corner, I have a desk where I do my homework and studies. It's a great place to focus and get things done. 

The windows in my room face east, which means I get plenty of sunlight in the morning. This is great for waking up and feeling energized for the day. At night, I have blackout curtains so that I can sleep peacefully without any disturbances. 

Overall, I love my bedroom because it's a place where I can relax and be myself. It's cozy, comfortable and perfect for a good night's sleep.







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