
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-04-13

My bedroom is located on the second floor of the house. It is a spacious room with large windows that let in plenty of natural light. There is a queen-sized bed, a dresser, and a nightstand in the room, each with its own unique style.

我的卧室位于房子的二楼,是一个宽敞明亮的房间,有大窗户可以让充足的自然光进入。房间里有一张Queen Size的床、一个梳妆台和一张床头柜,每一件家具都有它自己独特的风格。

The walls of my bedroom are painted a calming shade of blue, which helps me to relax after a long day. There are also a few colorful paintings and photographs hanging on the wall, which add a touch of personality to the room.


One of my favorite parts of my bedroom is the small reading nook that I set up in one corner of the room. It includes a comfortable armchair, a small bookshelf, and a lamp. I love to curl up in the chair and read a book before going to sleep.


Overall, I am happy with the way my bedroom looks and feels. It is a relaxing and comfortable space where I can unwind and recharge.



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