
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-04-22

Today is the last day of the year and the last day of the lunar year. It is generally called New Year's Eve. Of course, more of us are called New Year's Eve. Today, the family is very busy, because some people have to pack up and some are preparing for the new year's Eve dinner. Our family will gather together in the evening. The table is filled with all kinds of dishes, including hot pot I like to eat.

We are happy to have the new year's Eve dinner together. My mother told me that I was a child and should enter the wine of my elders. I picked up the drink, and my grandparents wished them good health. Then I did my best. My parents also wished them smooth work. They also wished me to learn, progress and grow up happily in the new year.



蠐鶽 关注

签约作家 .发文28025篇. 被8人关注
