
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-04-22

Last summer vacation, my father reported me for an environmental protection activity and asked me to act as a volunteer. When my father and I came here the next day, we found that there were basically a large number of people here. Even I saw several volunteers like me. It can be seen that many people like to be volunteers. We came to the community, where flowers are in full bloom

 and even the air is filled with the smell of flowers. Older people are walking and younger people are playing. In this activity, we not only need to pick up garbage, but also spread the idea of protecting the environment to the community. When some grandparents see us picking up garbage, they will praise us as good children who know how to protect the environment. Some playing children also take the initiative to help us pick up garbage after seeing us. Through this activity, I have improved my awareness of environmental protection and realized that I can't throw away garbage at will in the future, so as to make our home cleaner and our soul more beautiful.



蠐鶽 关注

签约作家 .发文28025篇. 被8人关注
