
原创:咪咕 学习知识 2023-06-16


1. It's impolite to eat with your mouth open.(张嘴嚼东西是不礼貌的。)
2. Don't reach across the table for food.(不要伸手去够食物。)
3. It's customary to offer food to others first.(通常要先给别人夹菜。)
4. Never stick your chopsticks into your food.(不要把筷子插在食物中。)
5. Don't blow your nose at the table.(不要在餐桌上擤鼻涕。)
6. Chinese cuisine is known for its bold flavors and diverse ingredients.(中国菜以其大胆的口味和多样的食材而闻名。)
7. Rice is a staple in Chinese cuisine.(米饭是中国菜肴的主食。)
8. Dim sum is a popular type of Chinese cuisine that consists of small, bite-sized dishes.(点心是一种流行的中国菜肴,由小巧、一口大小的菜肴组成。)
9. Hot pot is a popular Chinese dish that involves cooking a variety of meats and vegetables in a communal pot of simmering broth.(火锅是一道广受欢迎的中国菜肴,将各种肉类和蔬菜放入共享的热锅中煮熟。)
10. Chinese cuisine places a strong emphasis on balance and harmony of flavors.(中国菜肴非常注重口味的平衡和协调。)
11. In China, it's common to share dishes family style.(在中国,家庭式共享菜肴是很常见的。)
12. Tea is an important part of Chinese dining culture.(茶在中国餐饮文化中非常重要。)
13. Red is a lucky color in Chinese culture, and is often used in table decorations.(红色在中国文化中是一个吉祥的颜色,经常被用于餐桌装饰。)
14. The Chinese value hospitality and generosity when it comes to hosting guests.(中国人非常看重招待客人的热情和慷慨。)
15. Many Chinese dining traditions are rooted in ancient Chinese philosophy and medicine.(许多中国餐饮传统都源于中国古代的哲学和医学。)
16. Sharing a meal is a way to strengthen bonds and build relationships.(共享一顿饭是加强关系和建立友谊的一种方式。)
17. Business deals are often conducted over a meal in China.(在中国,商业交易经常在餐桌上进行。)
18. Toasting is an important part of Chinese dining culture, and is often used to show respect and gratitude.(敬酒是中国餐饮文化的重要组成部分,经常用于表示尊重和感激。)
19. Eating together is a way to show solidarity and unity.(一起吃饭是展示团结和一致的一种方式。)
20. Food is a way to express cultural identity and pride.(食物是表达文化身份和自豪感的一种方式。)


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