
原创:咪咕 学习知识 2023-06-15



1. 引用名言或句子


例如:As the famous writer William Shakespeare once said, "All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players." Therefore, we should embrace every moment of life and enjoy the great play that we are all a part of.

2. 发表个人看法或观点


例如:In conclusion, although there are both advantages and disadvantages to using social media, it can be a valuable tool for communication and networking when used in moderation. It is up to us as individuals to use social media responsibly and make the most of its potential benefits.

3. 预示未来


例如:As we look to the future, we must continue to work together to find solutions to the challenges that our society faces, whether they are related to the environment, economics, or politics. By working together, we can create a better world for ourselves and for generations to come.

4. 提出问题


例如:In light of these observations, what can we do to improve our society and make a positive difference in the world? How can we harness the power of technology and innovation to create a more sustainable future for all of us?



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签约作家 .发文2905篇. 被2人关注
