
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-04-09

Hi, my name is Lily. I am 27 years old and currently live in Shanghai, China. I work as a marketing manager in a tech company. 

I have a small family consisting of my parents, my younger brother, and myself. My parents are both in their fifties and they are retired. My father used to work as an engineer in a factory, while my mother was a nurse. 

My younger brother, Jack, is 23 years old and is currently studying in university. He is majoring in computer science and is very passionate about technology. He wants to become a software engineer after he graduates. Jack and I get along very well, and he often seeks my advice on different matters.

When it comes to our hobbies, my parents enjoy gardening and playing mahjong. Jack enjoys playing video games and watching sci-fi movies, while I enjoy reading books and listening to music. 

As a family, we often spend our weekends together doing various activities such as hiking, playing board games or watching movies. We also like to travel and explore new places together. Last year, we visited Japan and it was an incredible experience.

Overall, my family is very important to me, and I cherish every moment we spend together. They are my support system, and they have always been there for me through thick and thin. I am grateful for all the love and guidance they have given me throughout my life.









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