
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-04-08

In the world of poetry, there are certain works that are revered by many as masterpieces. At the same time, there are hidden gems that are not well-known to the general reader, but are just as breathtakingly beautiful. These are the very small circle of poems, known mainly to the collectors and enthusiasts of the art. In this article, we will explore some of the most extraordinary, yet little-known poetry.

One such poem is "The Waste Land" by T.S. Eliot, published in 1922. This poem is famous for its use of various literary techniques such as stream-of-consciousness narration and juxtaposition. It is a critical piece of modernist literature and is a call to create a new cultural identity shaped by the tragic events of the First World War.

Another very small circle poem is "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" by the same author. This work is more of a narrative poem, from the perspective of a middle-aged man who laments his inadequacies and the transient nature of life. It is incredibly moving in its portrayal of the character’s emotions, and the content continues to resonate with readers today.

Sylvia Plath’s "Daddy" is another hauntingly beautiful poem. It was written in 1962, shortly before her death, and reflects on her complex relationship with her father that was marred by abandonment and abuse. The poem is remarkable for its use of vivid imagery and deeply personal honesty.

"Digging" by Seamus Heaney is another underrated masterpiece. The poem is a tribute to his father and their shared love of gardening. Heaney’s writing is both powerful and intimate, and the reader can feel the deep sense of connection between father and son.

Finally, "Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night" by Dylan Thomas is a powerful and emotional plea to his dying father to keep fighting against death. The poem is incredibly moving and visceral, and is a testament to Dylan Thomas’ immense talent.

In conclusion, while these poets may not be household names, their works are still astonishing and very much worth reading. These small circle poems are treasures in literature that have stood the test of time and can still speak to us today. For anyone looking to experience something new and profound, they should look no further than these hidden gems.







最后,迪伦·托马斯(Dylan Thomas)的《不要温柔地进入那个美好的夜晚》(Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night)有力而感性地呼吁他垂死的父亲继续与死亡作斗争。这首诗令人难以置信地感动和发自内心,证明了迪伦·托马斯的巨大天赋。



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