
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-23



My holiday plan is to go to the beach, enjoy the sunshine and the beauty of the waves.


I plan to read more books during the holiday to improve my English level.


I want to learn some new skills, such as baking cakes and playing the guitar.


I am going to travel and appreciate the beauty of nature and the different cultures.


My holiday plan is to celebrate the festival happily with my family and enjoy the joy of reunion.

I plan to visit my grandparents during the holiday to spend time with them.(我计划在假期期间去拜访祖父母,和他们共度时光。)

I want to improve my English skills by reading English books and watching English movies.(我想通过阅读英语书籍和观看英语电影来提高我的英语技能。)

I plan to volunteer at a local charity organization to help those in need.(我计划在当地的慈善组织做志愿者,帮助那些有需要的人。)

I will take some time to exercise regularly and stay fit.(我将抽出一些时间进行定期锻炼,保持健康。)

I plan to learn a new skill, such as playing a musical instrument or cooking.(我计划学习一项新技能,比如学习弹奏乐器或烹饪。)

I plan to visit my grandparents in another city during the holiday. (我计划在假期期间拜访另一个城市的祖父母。)

I want to improve my English skills by reading English books and watching English movies. (我想通过阅读英文书籍和观看英文电影来提高我的英语水平。)

I will spend some time volunteering at a local charity organization to help those in need. (我会花一些时间在本地的慈善机构做义工,帮助需要帮助的人。)

I plan to start learning a new skill, such as cooking or playing a musical instrument, during the break. (我计划在假期期间开始学习一项新技能,比如烹饪或演奏乐器。)

Finally, I will also make sure to spend some quality time with my family and friends, perhaps by going on a trip or simply having a nice meal together. (最后,我也会确保花一些时间和家人朋友共度美好时光,也许是去旅行,也许只是一起吃顿好饭。)


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签约作家 .发文34140篇. 被9人关注
