
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-16


Here is a short English article of 200 words that I came up with:

The Power of a Smile

One day, a young boy walked into a small shop looking sad and defeated. The shopkeeper, noticing the boy's gloom, asked him what was wrong. The boy replied that he had just failed an important exam at school and felt like a failure.

The shopkeeper then took a small mirror and held it up to the boy's face, asking him what he saw. The boy replied, "I see myself." The shopkeeper then smiled and said, "That's right, and that's the most important thing. You are a unique and wonderful person, and no exam can ever change that."

The boy left the shop with a smile on his face, feeling a renewed sense of confidence. From that day on, he made a conscious effort to smile more often and to spread positivity wherever he went.

This simple act of kindness had a profound effect on the boy's life, and it serves as a reminder of the power of a smile. Even in the darkest of times, a smile can lift someone's spirits and make a difference. So, let us all strive to smile more often and spread joy wherever we go.









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签约作家 .发文35819篇. 被9人关注
