
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-15


Seasons are the four distinct periods of the year, characterized by changes in weather conditions and daylight hours. Spring brings new growth and warmer temperatures, summer brings hot weather and longer days, autumn brings colorful foliage and cooler weather, and winter brings cold temperatures and often snow. Each season has its own unique beauty and can be enjoyed through outdoor activities like hiking, skiing, and swimming.



Seasons are part of nature's cycle. Each season brings with it a unique beauty and change in the environment. In spring, flowers bloom, and trees sprout new leaves. Summer brings warmth and sunshine, and people head to the beach to enjoy the water. Autumn's arrival is marked by the changing colors of leaves, and the air grows cooler. Finally, winter brings snow and a peaceful stillness to the world. Each season has its own charm, making it a special time of year.



The four seasons are spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season has its own beauty and characteristics. In spring, flowers bloom and the weather becomes warmer. Summer brings sunshine and outdoor activities. Autumn is known for its colorful leaves and harvest time. Winter is cold, but it is also the time for snow and holiday celebrations. We should cherish every season and appreciate the unique gifts that each one brings.




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签约作家 .发文36838篇. 被9人关注
