
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-11


One of the most significant changes I have encountered since starting high school is the increased level of responsibility that comes with it. As a freshman, I have been given the task of managing my time wisely, being responsible for my own academic progress, and preparing myself for my future. While it can be challenging at times, I believe that this newfound sense of independence is preparing me well for the rest of my life. I am learning how to prioritize my time, set goals for myself, and become a more self-sufficient person. Overall, I am excited for the opportunities and challenges that come with being a high school student.



Here's an example of an 80-word English essay for a high school student:

Title: My First Day of High School

My first day of high school was both exciting and nerve-wracking. I remember waking up early that morning, getting dressed in my new school uniform, and feeling a mix of anticipation and anxiety in the pit of my stomach. As I walked through the crowded hallways and tried to find my way to my classes, I felt a sense of disorientation and overwhelmedness. But as the day went on, I started to meet new people, get to know my teachers, and feel more at ease. Looking back, I realize that my first day of high school was just the beginning of a new chapter in my life, full of challenges and opportunities to grow.





Here's an example of an 80-word English essay for a first-year high school student:

Title: My Favorite Hobby

My favorite hobby is reading books. I love how books can take me to different worlds and teach me new things. Whenever I have free time, I grab a book and lose myself in the story. I especially like novels and biographies. One of my favorite novels is Harry Potter because it has so many magical elements and interesting characters. Reading has helped me improve my vocabulary and writing skills. It is a wonderful way to spend my leisure time and broaden my horizons.






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