
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-09


1.In China, it is customary to use chopsticks while eating Chinese cuisine. (在中国,吃中餐时使用筷子是一种习惯。)

2.When dining with others, it is important to wait until everyone is seated before starting to eat. (与他人共进餐时,重要的是等到大家都就座后才开始用餐。)

3.It is considered polite to serve others before serving yourself. (为他人服务而非先为自己服务是一种礼貌。)

4.When eating soup or noodles, it is acceptable to slurp loudly. (在吃汤或面条时,吃得大声点是可以接受的。)

5.It is considered impolite to leave chopsticks standing vertically in a bowl of rice. (在米饭碗里把筷子竖起来是不礼貌的。)

6.It is customary to say "请慢用" (qǐng màn yòng) before beginning a meal, which means "Please enjoy your meal". (在开始用餐前说“请慢用”是一种习惯,意为“请享用美食”。)

7.When drinking tea, it is polite to hold the cup with both hands. (在喝茶时,用两只手握住杯子是礼貌的。)

8.It is important to always use the serving chopsticks to take food from communal dishes. (从公共餐盘里取食物时,用公筷是很重要的。)

9.When finished with a meal, it is polite to say "谢谢款待" (xiè xiè kuǎn dài), which means "Thank you for the meal". (用餐结束后,说“谢谢款待”是一种礼貌,意为“感谢这顿美食”。)

10.It is considered impolite to waste food or leave too much uneaten on your plate. (浪费食物或在盘子里剩太多没吃的是不礼貌的。)


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