my friend小短文(精选31篇)

原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-07

my friend小短文

My friend is someone who always makes me laugh and helps me when I need it. She has a great sense of humor and can turn any bad day into a good one. We love to hang out and do fun things together like going to the movies, shopping, and trying new restaurants. She is also really smart and helps me with my homework when I get stuck. I feel lucky to have her as my friend and can't imagine going through life without her by my side.



My friend is a very important person in my life. Her name is Lily and she has been my friend for more than five years. We met in elementary school and since then we have been inseparable. She has a great sense of humor and always knows how to make me laugh. She is also very kind and always there for me when I need her. I am so grateful to have her as my friend.



Here's a short paragraph about my friend:

I have a best friend named Sarah. She is a kind and friendly person with a great sense of humor. We have known each other since elementary school and have been inseparable ever since. Sarah is always there to listen and offer support when I need it most. I appreciate her positive outlook on life and her ability to make me laugh even during tough times. I am grateful to have her as my friend.





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签约作家 .发文35819篇. 被9人关注
