my room英语作文5句(精选40篇)

原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-03-06

my room英语作文5句

Here is an example of a short essay about "my room" in English:

My Room

My room is my sanctuary, where I can relax, study, and hang out with friends. It's not very big, but it has everything I need. The walls are painted a light blue color, which creates a calm and peaceful atmosphere. There is a big window on one of the walls, which lets in plenty of natural light during the day.

In the center of my room is my bed, which is covered with a soft and cozy comforter. I have a desk in one corner, where I can do my homework and study. My bookshelf is next to the desk, and it's filled with books on all kinds of subjects. I also have a beanbag chair in another corner of my room, where I can relax and read a book.

Overall, my room is my favorite place in the house. It's where I can go to escape from the world and be myself.







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