
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-02-28


My Week

Last week was quite busy for me. On Monday, I had a math test in school which I had been preparing for over the weekend. Tuesday was a bit more relaxed, and I spent the evening with my friends playing video games. On Wednesday, I went to my music lesson where I practiced playing the guitar. Thursday was a big day for me as I had my basketball game in the evening, and I was nervous about it. However, we won the game, and I was thrilled. Friday was the most enjoyable day of the week, and I went to the movie theater with my family to watch a new action movie. Overall, it was a great week, and I look forward to the next one.




My Week

I had a busy week full of interesting activities. On Monday, I had a math exam in school. I prepared well for it and felt confident. On Tuesday, I had soccer practice after school. It was tiring, but I enjoy playing with my teammates.

Wednesday was a bit different. We had a field trip to the zoo. We saw many different animals and learned about their habitats. Thursday was a regular day of classes, but I got to spend some time with my friends during lunch break.

On Friday, I had a music performance in the school auditorium. I played the piano and my classmates sang along. it was fun and exciting to be on stage.

Finally, on Saturday, I volunteered at a local shelter. We helped clean and care for the animals there. It was a rewarding experience and I felt happy to make a difference.

Overall, it was a varied and fulfilling week for me. I learned new things, challenged myself, and had fun.








Last week was quite busy for me with various activities and events.

On Monday, I had a lot of school work to catch up on, including finishing up a group project that was due the next day. In the evening, I went to my basketball practice where we worked on our teamwork and strategies.

Tuesday was the day our project was due, so I spent most of my time finalizing and editing it with my group members. We presented it in class and it was well received.

Wednesday was a more relaxing day, as I only had a few classes and was able to spend some time reading my favorite book.

On Thursday, I volunteered at a local animal shelter in the morning and in the afternoon, I attended a community event where we planted trees and learned about the importance of protecting our environment.

Friday was a fun day, as I went to an amusement park with my friends and had a great time on the rides and playing games.

On Saturday, I spent some time studying and preparing for an upcoming exam, and in the evening, I went to a concert with my family and enjoyed some live music.

Sunday was a restful day, and I spent it mostly at home, doing some chores and spending time with my family.

Overall, my week was filled with a good balance of work and leisure activities, and I felt productive and happy with everything I accomplished.












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