
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2023-02-26


Here's an example of an essay about "My Good Friend":

My good friend is someone who has been by my side through thick and thin. We first met in elementary school and have been close ever since.

One of the things I admire about my friend is their positive attitude. No matter what challenges come their way, they always manage to find a way to stay optimistic and see the silver lining. This attitude is contagious and has helped me through some tough times as well.

My friend is also incredibly supportive. They always take the time to listen to my problems and offer a kind and understanding ear. Whenever I need advice or just someone to talk to, I know I can count on them.

Despite our differences, we share many common interests. We love to read, listen to music, and watch movies together. We also enjoy trying new things and going on adventures.

Overall, my good friend is someone who I am incredibly grateful to have in my life. They are kind, supportive, and always there when I need them. I know that no matter what the future holds, our friendship will continue to be a strong and important part of my life.









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