From time to time means occasionally or periodically. It is often used to indicate that something happens at irregular intervals rather than regularly.
一: Occasionally
Occasionally means happening from time to time, now and then, or once in a while. It can be used to describe something that happens infrequently or irregularly. For example, "I occasionally go for a run in the mornings" means that the person goes for a run at irregular intervals or only once in a while.
二: Periodically
Periodically also means happening from time to time, but it implies that the occurrence is recurring at regular intervals. For example, "The m玩法azine is published periodically" means that the m玩法azine is published regularly but not constantly. It occurs at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
三: Sometimes
Sometimes is another synonym for from time to time, and it means on certain occasions or at various times. It is similar to the other two terms in that it signifies an irregular or infrequent occurrence of something. For example, "Sometimes I like to cook elaborate meals" implies that the person does not always cook elaborate meals, but does so occasionally or from time to time.
Overall, "from time to time" and its synonyms all convey the idea of something happening infrequently or irregularly. Whether it's occasionally, periodically, or sometimes, these terms help to express the concept that certain events or actions do not happen on a consistent or constant basis.