
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-07-20


These days.my parents and i have talking about whether i should study abroad.I fully understand the parents to send me abroad for my good.But I really do not want to leave home, and I think their standard of spoken language is not enough, I also know that study abroad is very expensive, and now is just a waste of money to go abroad.Mom and Dad just do not understand why I was thinking it? No matter how I say that they ignore me. 

They say that these are an excuse to go abroad to foreign language will naturally increase, where they also can be given to more friends, what is bad.They said I was a person living abroad can enhance their ability to live independently is conducive to their own development. Also said that the children study in foreign countries have a future. How can I do? Who can help me?


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