
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-07-19


Just to satisfy the soul, do what you like, and people should be happy wish to be satisfied, should be a happy man working in the field, sweating, but he feels happy, he is very happy, another man is walking in the garden, but he feels very happy, he is not happy, you think you are happy, you are happy, happy and unhappy in your own heart The comfort is that happy people come to this world naked, and come back, don't take anything away,

 which shows that a person's life is empty, life is like a piece of white paper, imagine your own destiny from now on, let yourself live, do what you like, make your life worth happy, live every day, life can be very beautiful, also can be very boring, You see how to face the hope that you can be happy.


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