
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-07-12


A、The cartoon describes a very common phenomenon in our society that 内容-SVO(主谓宾).

B、As can be seen from the picture ,(there is)内容-SVO(主谓宾).

The set of drawings describe a very common phenomenon in our society that 内容-SVO(主谓宾).

Presenting totally different /sharply contrasted scenes, the two pictures suggest that 内容-SVO(主谓宾)

In recent years , along with the tremendous advance of the society , 主题-SVO(主谓宾)has become a hot issue of the general public , especially for those who are confronted with the situation

Nothing can be more serious (upsetting, outstanding, meaningful…) than the issue of…

It is most likely that by drawing the picture, the drawer intends not only to tell us the story of … but also to let us think more about 主题-SVO(主谓宾).This is something we should give more thought to.


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签约作家 .发文34060篇. 被9人关注
