
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-07-12


Mrs. John B Dodd, of Washington, first proposed the idea of a “father’s day” in 1909. Mrs. Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father William, whose wife died while giving birth to their sixth child.The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19,1910 in Washington. And it was in 1966 that President Lyndon Johnson officially declared the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day. Father’s Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day.

华盛顿州的约翰.布鲁斯.多德夫人在1909年首先提出了设立“父亲节”的提议。多德夫人希望有一个特殊的日子来向她的父亲———威廉.斯玛特表示敬意。他的妻子在 生他们第六个孩子时因难产而死。1910年的6月19日人们在华盛顿庆祝了第一个父亲节。林登.约翰逊总统最终于1966年宣布每年六月的第3个星期天为父亲节。父亲节现在已经成为向父亲及所有扮演父亲角色的人表达敬意的节日。继父,伯父,祖父所有成年男性都将在父亲节受到尊敬。


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