
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-07-11


Of all the components depicted in the drawing, the most eye-catching is that a man with an axe is trying to chop trees in an already-treeless forest. All those trees are used for building skyscrapers and making vehicles. The intention of the author can be plainly mirrored in the subtitle: humans are destroying forest for their own sake.Digging into it, this metaphorical picture intends to shed light on the phenomenon of deforestation which has emerged as the spotlight of the public.

Undoubtedly, many factors are accountable for it. One of the most essential shaping factors is that excessive focus has been placed on the economic progress while the urgency to protect environment is largely overlooked among the public. Plus, the absence of necessary punishments for committing those misdeeds should be blamed in the meanwhile.To avoid the aggravation of environmental situation, making effective measures and relevant regulations should be among the government priorities. However, rules alone will not be sufficient, which must be accompanied by persuasion and education that help raise public awareness in protecting our forest.


蠐鶽 关注

签约作家 .发文37398篇. 被9人关注
