
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-07-06


With the development of science and human civilization, many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. Some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful. The phenomenon of ________ (所讨论的话题)is an example of the former / latter one.

There are many factors that may account for it, and the following are the most conspicuous aspects. To start with, ________(原因1). Furthermore, ______ (原因2). Eventually, ________(原因3).

Good as ________(所讨论的话题)is, it has, unfortunately, its disadvantages. The apparent example is that _______(缺点例子1). In addition, _______ (缺点例子2).

On the whole, the phenomenon is one of the results of the progress of the modern society. There is still a long way for us to improve / eliminate _______(所讨论的话题)and make our life more comfortable.


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