
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-06-30


Dear Xu Haiqing,You said in your letter that many of your classmates were wearing fashionable clothes, but you couldn’t afford to buy the best brands. So you felt very depressed. There are different views on people’s wear. The following are my ideas about it.

Firstly, you shouldn’t put too much emphasis on physical appearance. You must always remember the most important task for you today is to concentrate your attention on your studies. No matter what you wear, you will really look your best when you come out first in your examinations.

A famous saying goes, “Frugality is the mother of virtue.” So, secondly, you must understand that it is a fine virtue to learn live in frugality. Since your family is not able to provide you with enough money to buy clothes of the best brands, it is all the more necessary for you to try every means to lighten the financial burden of your family. You will find the virtue of frugality will benefit you a lot in your later life.I hope you understand what I mean. I am sure you will take a positive attitude towards life and will be happy again when you read my letter. 


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