
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-06-30


With the development of the society, with the advent of _____________ (相关事物或现象), we have to face a problem that ______________________ (主题问题).

What are the reasons for it? In the following paragraphs, I’ll venture to explore the reasons. To start with, _____________________ (阐述原因1). Moreover, __________________ (阐述原因2). In addition, _______________________ (阐述原因3)In view of the seriousness of the problem, effective measures should be taken. For one thing, it is high time that people all over China realized the importance of __________________ (解决主题问题). For another, the government should issue strict laws and regulations in order to put the situation under control.


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签约作家 .发文34220篇. 被9人关注
