
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-06-28


I dream to become an astronaut. Two universities in China can make my dream become true. They are both very good, but I can only choose one.From the Internet, I learned that there are more advantages offered by the northern university than the ones by the southern one. For example, the fee charged by the northern one is lower. And it will add 20 marks while the southern university will not. In contrast, the southern university’s good point is that it enrolls more students.

After comparing the above information, I think I will choose the northern university for the following reasons. Firstly, my parents may not be able to afford my study and living expenses. Secondly, an addition of twenty marks is certainly an irresistible attraction. More importantly, four years of independent life in the north will obviously help develop my personality required as an astronaut.


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