
原创:蠐鶽 英语作文 2022-04-13


Another long holiday is coming. This holiday is very happy for me, because we can add new colors to our lives during the holiday. We can choose to travel, embrace nature and enjoy the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. We can also visit relatives and friends, watch ball games and cartoons we like, and read books we like, Of course, the next period can not only bring us happiness, but also bring us some troubles. For me, my holiday life is full, but there are also some troubles, because every morning I need to finish the specified homework on time, according to quality and quantity, before I can have a good meal. Because when I do my homework, my mother will start cooking. 

When my homework is finished, my mother's rice is almost done. After dinner, I will be responsible for washing the dishes. After washing the dishes, I will rest for half an hour and continue to finish my homework. Although I spend most of my time doing my homework, sometimes it is also a kind of enjoyment for me, because in this way, I can develop my own regular life. After a few days of life experience during the holiday, I feel that I have grown a lot and matured a lot.


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