
原创:蠐鶽 学习知识 2023-10-15



Dear Mr. Smith,

(1)I am writing this letter to express my deep gratitude for your help and support during my stay in the United States. (2)First of all, I want to thank you for providing me with such a comfortable and pleasant living environment. (3)Your kindness and thoughtfulness made me feel like staying at home. (4)I could even say that you treated me as a member of your own family. (5)I will never forget those wonderful moments when you shared your stories and experiences with me.

(6)Furthermore, I really appreciate your efforts in introducing me to your friends and colle玩法ues. (7)With your help, I had the opportunity to meet people from different walks of life and establish valuable connections. (8)These connections will be extremely beneficial for my future career development.

(9)Last but not least, I cannot express enough gratitude for your patience and guidance in helping me with my English. (10)Thanks to your meticulous teaching, my English has greatly improved. (11)You not only corrected my pronunciation but also taught me a lot of idiomatic expressions.

(12)Once 玩法ain, thank you for everything you have done for me. (13)I am truly grateful and hope that I will have the opportunity to return the favor in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming


Dear Editor,

(1)I am writing to express my concerns about the increasing number of stray dogs in our community. (2)The presence of these stray dogs not only poses a threat to the safety of residents but also contributes to the rise in the number of dog bites and incidents of rabies. (3)Therefore, I would like to propose some measures to address this issue.

(4)First and foremost, it is crucial to establish a local animal control center, where these stray dogs can be brought to. (5)This center should have qualified staff who can properly take care of the dogs' basic needs and provide necessary medical treatment. (6)Moreover, systematic measures should be put in place to encourage responsible pet ownership, such as requiring pet owners to register their dogs, implanting microchips, and regularly vaccinating them against diseases.

(7)Furthermore, public awareness campaigns should be launched to educate the local residents about the importance of spaying and neutering dogs. (8)This can help control the population of stray dogs and prevent them from reproducing uncontrollably.

(9)In addition, stronger law enforcement should be employed to crack down on those who abandon their pets or allow them to roam freely. (10)By imposing heavy fines and penalties, we can create a deterrent effect and discourage such irresponsible behavior.

(11)In conclusion, it is essential for our community to take concrete actions to address the issue of stray dogs. (12)By implementing the measures I have proposed, we can create a safer and more harmonious living environment for all residents.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Miss Johnson,

(1)I am writing to express my heartfelt appreciation for your assistance during my recent job application process. (2)With your guidance and support, I was able to successfully secure a job at XYZ Company.

(3)First of all, I want to thank you for reviewing my resume and providing me with valuable feedback. (4)Your suggestions and advice helped me make necessary improvements, and I believe it greatly contributed to my success. (5)I am also grateful for the mock interview you conducted with me. (6)It not only helped me become more confident but also allowed me to prepare well for the actual interview.

(7)Furthermore, I want to express my gratitude for writing me a recommendation letter. (8)Your kind words not only highlighted my strengths but also provided an unbiased perspective for the employer to consider. (9)I believe it played a significant role in persuading the company to offer me the job.

(10)Last but not least, I want to thank you for being a mentor and a role model for me. (11)Your professionalism, dedication, and passion for your work have inspired me to strive for excellence. (12)I am truly thankful for having the opportunity to learn from you.

(13)In conclusion, I want to extend my sincerest gratitude to you for all your support and help. (14)I am truly grateful and will always remember your kindness.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sarah,

(1)I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. (2)I am writing to invite you to attend my graduation ceremony, which will be held on June 20th at 3 pm.

(3)Graduating from university is a significant milestone in my life, and it would mean a lot to me if you could grace the occasion with your presence. (4)You have been a close friend and a source of inspiration throughout my journey, and it would be an honor to have you share this special moment with me.

(5)The ceremony will take place at the university campus, and there will be a reception afterward to celebrate the achievements of the graduates. (6)It will be a joyous occasion filled with laughter, proud parents, and encouraging speeches.

(7)I understand that you may have prior commitments, but I sincerely hope that you can make time to attend. (8)Your presence will not only bring me great joy but also make the graduation ceremony even more memorable.

(9)Thank you for being a wonderful friend, and I look forward to your positive response. (10)If you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

(11)Once again, I extend my warmest invitation to you and hope to see you at the graduation ceremony.

Best regards,



Dear Sir/Madam,

(1)I am writing to express my disappointment and frustration regarding the recent purchase of a laptop from your store. (2)Despite the fact that the laptop was brand new and came with a warranty, it has been giving me numerous problems since the day of purchase.

(3)To begin with, the laptop regularly freezes and crashes, making it impossible for me to complete my work on time. (4)I have lost valuable data and experienced significant setbacks due to these malfunctions. (5)In addition, the battery life is significantly shorter than what was advertised, forcing me to constantly search for power outlets and hindering my ability to work on the go.

(6)I have tried contacting your customer service department several times, but my concerns have not been addressed or resolved satisfactorily. (7)The representatives I spoke to were dismissive and unhelpful, and they failed to provide me with any viable solutions to my problems. (8)I believe that as a customer, I deserve better treatment and prompt assistance.

(9)Considering the amount of money I spent on this laptop, I am extremely dissatisfied with both the product and the service I have received. (10)I kindly request you to either provide me with a replacement laptop that is fully functional or refund my money in its entirety. (11)I trust that you will take my concerns seriously and rectify this situation promptly.

(12)I hope to receive a favorable response from you within the next ten days. (13)If I do not hear from you by then, I will have no choice but to escalate this matter to the relevant consumer protection agencies.

(14)Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to a satisfactory resolution.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Mr. Brown,

(1)I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for the mistake I made during yesterday's conference. (2)My carelessness and lack of attention led to the incorrect information being shared with the attendees, and for that, I am deeply sorry.

(3)I understand that my mistake has caused inconvenience and confusion, and I take full responsibility for my actions. (4)As an employee of this company, it is my duty to ensure accuracy and professionalism in all my tasks, and I have clearly failed to do so on this occasion.

(5)I assure you that steps have been taken to rectify the situation and to prevent such errors from happening in the future. (6)I have already reached out to the attendees and have provided them with the correct information, along with a sincere apology for any inconvenience caused.

(7)Furthermore, I have reviewed my work processes and have implemented additional checks and measures to avoid similar mistakes in the future. (8)I fully understand the impact that such mistakes can have on our company's reputation and the trust our clients have in us, and I am committed to doing better.

(9)Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience caused and for failing to meet the expectations set forth by the company. (10)I value the opportunity to work here and will use this experience as a valuable lesson in improving my professionalism and attention to detail.

(11)Thank you for your understanding and for giving me the chance to learn and grow from this mistake. (12)I assure you that it will not happen again in the future.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Sir/Madam,

(1)I am writing to apply for the position of English teacher at your school, as advertised on your website. (2)I am confident that my qualifications, experience, and passion for teaching make me an ideal candidate for this position.

(3)I hold a Bachelor's degree in English Education and have completed a Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) certification course. (4)During my studies, I gained valuable knowledge and skills in lesson planning, classroom management, and effective teaching strategies.

(5)In addition to my academic background, I have two years of teaching experience at ABC International School, where I taught English to students aged 10-12. (6)I believe my experience has equipped me with the ability to create a positive and engaging learning environment, adapt my teaching methods to suit different learning styles, and effectively communicate with students, parents, and colleagues.

(7)Furthermore, I have a strong passion for teaching and a genuine desire to help students succeed. (8)I am patient, dedicated, and always strive to provide the best learning experience for my students. (9)I believe in creating a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere, where students feel motivated to learn and explore their full potential.

(10)I am confident that my qualifications and experience make me a strong candidate for this position, and I would welcome the opportunity to contribute to your school's educational mission. (11)I have attached my resume for your review, and I am available for an interview at your convenience. (12)Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours faithfully,



Dear Maintenance Team,

(1)I am writing to request your prompt attention to a malfunctioning air conditioning unit in my office. (2)The air conditioner has been experiencing problems for the past week, and despite numerous attempts at repair, the issue persists.

(3)The temperature in the office is constantly too high, making it extremely uncomfortable for everyone working here. (4)This not only affects our productivity but also poses health risks, as it is difficult to concentrate and work efficiently in such conditions.

(5)I kindly request that a technician be dispatched to our office as soon as possible to assess and repair the air conditioning unit. (6)I understand that there may be other maintenance requests, but I hope you can prioritize this issue given its impact on our working environment.

(7)In addition, I would appreciate it if you could keep me informed of the progress and the estimated time of repair. (8)This will allow me to inform my colleagues and make alternative arrangements if necessary.

(9)I apologize for any inconvenience caused and appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. (10)Please feel free to contact me at any time if you require additional information or have any questions.

(11)Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. (12)I hope to see a resolution to this problem soon.

Yours sincerely,



Ladies and gentlemen,

(1)Today, we are here to discuss and debate an important issue that affects our society – should the use of plastic bags be banned? (2)This topic has been a subject of intense debate around the world, with supporters and opponents presenting compelling arguments.

(3)On one hand, those in favor of a plastic bag ban argue that they are a major contributor to environmental pollution. (4)Plastic bags are non-biodegradable, which means they take hundreds of years to decompose. (5)This leads to significant waste accumulation in landfills and poses a serious threat to wildlife as animals often mistake plastic bags for food.

(6)Furthermore, the production and disposal of plastic bags contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, and the depletion of natural resources. (7)By implementing a ban on plastic bags, we can reduce these negative impacts and promote a more sustainable future.

(8)On the other hand, opponents of a plastic bag ban argue that alternatives, such as paper or cloth bags, have their own environmental costs. (9)They argue that the production of paper bags requires more energy and resources compared to plastic, and cloth bags require regular washing, which consumes water and electricity.

(10)In addition, they contend that plastic bags are convenient, lightweight, and have multiple uses, which make them more practical for consumers. (11)Opponents argue that instead of banning plastic bags, efforts should be focused on improving recycling systems and promoting responsible use and disposal of plastic bags.

(12)In conclusion, the debate over whether to ban plastic bags is a complex issue with valid points on both sides. (13)It is important to consider the environmental impacts, consumer convenience, and the effectiveness of alternative solutions. (14)Government policies, public awareness campaigns, and responsible consumer behavior all play a role in tackling this issue.

(15)Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to a lively and respectful debate.

Yours sincerely,



Dear Admissions Committee,

(1)I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express my strong interest in pursuing a master's degree in international relations at your esteemed university.

(2)Growing up in a multicultural environment and being exposed to different perspectives from an early age, I have developed a passion for understanding international affairs and finding solutions to global challenges.

(3)Throughout my undergraduate studies in political science, I have acquired a solid foundation in international relations theory, comparative politics, and diplomacy. (4)I have also engaged in extracurricular activities, such as Model United Nations, where I had the opportunity to simulate diplomatic negotiations and enhance my skills in public speaking, critical thinking, and teamwork.

(5)Furthermore, my experience working as an intern at the United Nations has provided me with firsthand exposure to the complexities of international relations. (6)I had the opportunity to contribute to projects aimed at fostering sustainable development, peacebuilding, and human rights advocacy.

(7)I believe that the master's program in international relations at your university will provide me with the necessary knowledge, skills, and network to make a meaningful impact in the field. (8)I am particularly interested in the courses on global governance, conflict resolution, and international law, as they align with my research interests and career aspirations.

(9)Moreover, your university's diverse and inclusive community resonates with my personal values, as I believe that fostering cross-cultural understanding and collaboration is crucial in addressing global challenges.

(10)In conclusion, I am confident that my academic background, practical experience, and passion for international relations make me a strong candidate for your master's program. (11)I look forward to the opportunity to contribute to the intellectual and cultural diversity of your university and to pursue my academic and professional goals.

(12)Thank you for considering my application. (13)I am willing to provide any additional information or documents that may be required. (14)I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,



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