
原创:蠐鶽 学习知识 2023-10-14


1. 增加词汇量


2. 提高阅读速度


3. 增强阅读理解能力


4. 实用阅读技巧







Daily English reading is an effective way to improve English reading ability. By reading one short article every day, one can improve their vocabulary, reading speed, and comprehension ability. This article will introduce the benefits of daily English reading and provide some practical reading techniques.

1. Increase vocabulary

Reading every day can help us increase our vocabulary. By reading short articles on various topics, we can learn many new words and expressions. Different types of essays also involve specific professional vocabulary, which helps us become more proficient in using English in specific fields.

2. Improve reading speed

Daily reading can also help us improve our reading speed. Habitually reading daily, we will continuously exercise our reading skills and gradually increase our reading speed. As time goes by, we will find ourselves able to read and understand various articles faster.

3. Enhance reading comprehension ability

Daily reading can also help us enhance our reading comprehension skills. By reading various types of short articles, we will be exposed to articles of different styles and difficulty, thereby improving our reading comprehension ability. Meanwhile, by continuously practicing and reviewing previous reading materials, we will gradually develop better understanding and reasoning abilities.

4. Practical Reading Skills

In order to better conduct daily reading, we can adopt some practical reading techniques.

We can obtain suitable reading materials. You can choose suitable articles based on your English proficiency and interests. If we are beginners, we can choose some simple short essays, and as our English proficiency improves, we can choose more complex content.

When reading, tools can be used to assist understanding. We can use key vocabulary, dictionaries, and translation software to solve new words and difficult sentences encountered during the reading process.

Finally, after reading, you can summarize and review. We can do some exercises or discussions to deepen our understanding of the article and consolidate the knowledge we have learned.


Daily reading is an effective way to improve English reading ability. By reading a short article every day, we can increase our vocabulary, improve reading speed, and enhance our reading comprehension skills. Meanwhile, by using some practical reading techniques, we can better read daily. I hope everyone can persist in reading every day and continuously improve their English reading ability.


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签约作家 .发文25395篇. 被8人关注
