
原创:蠐鶽 学习知识 2023-10-08


1. 星期一

Today, we learned about different types of weather in English class. We discussed the vocabulary related to weather and practiced using them in sentences. I found it interesting and useful to learn about different weather conditions in English.

2. 星期二

In today's English class, we had a listening exercise. The teacher played an audio clip and we had to listen carefully and answer the questions. It was a challenging exercise, but I man玩法ed to understand most of the content. Listening exercises are important for improving our English comprehension skills.

3. 星期三

Today, we learned about past tense verbs. We practiced forming sentences using regular and irregular verbs in the past tense. It was a bit confusing at first, but after some practice, I got the hang of it. English grammar can be tricky, but with practice, it becomes easier.

4. 星期四

In today's English class, we practiced reading aloud. We took turns reading a pass玩法e from our textbook and the teacher corrected our pronunciation and intonation. Reading aloud helps improve our pronunciation and fluency. It was a fun and interactive activity.

5. 星期五

Today, we had a speaking activity in English class. We were divided into pairs and had to have a conversation using the vocabulary and phrases we have learned. It was a great opportunity to practice speaking in English and improve our communication skills.

6. 星期一

In today's English class, we focused on vocabulary. We learned new words related to food and drinks. The teacher gave us a list of words and we had to write sentences using each word. It was a good way to expand our vocabulary and improve our sentence construction skills.

7. 星期二

Today, we watched an English movie in class. It was a fun way to practice listening and comprehension skills. The teacher played the movie with English subtitles and we had to follow along and answer some questions. Watching movies or TV shows in English is a great way to improve our language skills.

8. 星期三

In today's English class, we learned about possessive pronouns. We practiced using pronouns like "mine", "yours", "his", "hers", etc. It was a useful lesson as we often use these pronouns in our daily conversations. Understanding possessive pronouns helps us express ownership and relationships in English.

9. 星期四

Today, we had a writing exercise. We were given a topic and had to write a short paragraph about it. It was a great opportunity to practice our writing skills. Writing helps us organize our thoughts and express ourselves in English.

10. 星期五

In today's English class, we had a grammar quiz. The teacher gave us a set of questions and we had to choose the correct answers. It was a good way to test our understanding of grammar rules and reinforce what we have learned so far.

11. 星期一

Today, we had a group discussion in English class. We were given a topic and had to discuss it in groups. It was a great opportunity to practice speaking and listening skills. Group discussions help us exchange ideas and learn from each other.

12. 星期二

In today's English class, we practiced writing formal emails. The teacher gave us scenarios and we had to write appropriate emails following the formal format. Writing emails is an important skill in today's digital world, and it's essential to know how to write them correctly.

13. 星期三

Today, we learned about adjectives in English class. We practiced using descriptive adjectives to describe people, places, and things. Adjectives add details and make our sentences more interesting. It was a fun and creative activity.

14. 星期四

In today's English class, we had a vocabulary game. The teacher divided us into teams and gave us a category. We had to come up with as many words as possible related to that category. It was a fun and competitive way to review and expand our vocabulary.

15. 星期五

Today, we had a grammar review session. The teacher summarized the grammar rules we have learned so far and we had a chance to ask questions and clarify any doubts. Grammar review sessions help us reinforce our understanding and apply the rules correctly.




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