
原创:蠐鶽 学习知识 2023-10-08


1. Hello everyone! My name is Lily. I'm 13 years old. I'm from China, and I'm in the first year of middle school. It's my pleasure to introduce myself to you today. 你好,大家好!我叫莉莉。我今年13岁。我来自中国,并且我正读初中一年级。今天很荣幸能够向大家介绍我自己。

2. I have many hobbies, such as reading, drawing, and playing the piano. Reading allows me to explore different worlds, and drawing helps me express my creativity. Playing the piano helps me relax and brings me joy. 我有很多爱好,比如读书、画画和弹钢琴。读书可以让我探索不同的世界,而画画则可以帮助我表达自己的创造力。弹钢琴可以让我放松,给我带来快乐。

3. Besides my hobbies, I also enjoy learning new things. I believe that learning is a lifelong process. In school, my favorite subject is English. It's interesting to learn a new langu玩法e and explore different cultures. 除了爱好外,我也喜欢学习新事物。我相信学习是一生的过程。在学校里,我最喜欢的科目是英语。学习一门新语言和探索不同的文化很有趣。

4. I like making friends and connecting with people from different backgrounds. I believe that diversity makes our world more beautiful. I enjoy learning about different customs and traditions. 我喜欢交朋友,与来自不同背景的人联系。我相信多样性使我们的世界更加美丽。我喜欢学习不同的风俗和传统。

5. I am an active student in school. I participate in various extracurricular activities, such as the school choir and the art club. These activities allow me to explore my interests and develop new skills. 我是学校里一个活跃的学生。我参加各种课外活动,比如学校合唱团和美术俱乐部。这些活动让我能够探索我的兴趣,并培养新的技能。

6. In the future, I hope to become a teacher. I enjoy helping others and sharing knowledge with them. Teaching is a noble profession, and I think it's important to inspire and motivate students. 将来,我希望成为一名教师。我喜欢帮助别人,与他们分享知识。教学是一门崇高的职业,我认为激发和激励学生是很重要的。

7. Thank you for listening to my introduction. I look forward to getting to know all of you better and learning from each other. 谢谢大家听我介绍。我期待更好地了解你们,并互相学习。



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