
原创:蠐鶽 学习知识 2023-10-06


1. 在这次假期中,我到了一个偏远而宁静的小岛作为旅行目的地。这个小岛被公认为是一个天然的绿色宝藏,拥有广袤无垠的海滩和美丽的海景。我迫不及待地踏上这片净土,期待着度过一个与大自然亲密接触的假期。

2. 第一天,我骑着自行车沿着岛上的小道漫游。沿途的风景如诗如画,绿树成荫、鲜花盛开、远山如黛。我在岛上的小咖啡店停下来,品尝着当地特色的美食。在温暖的阳光下,我彻底忘记了繁忙的生活,只专注于当下的幸福与快乐。

3. 第二天,我参加了一个潜水课程。跳入碧蓝的海水中,我仿佛置身于另一个世界,被五彩斑斓的珊瑚和各种奇妙的海洋生物环绕。在这个美丽的水下世界里,我学到了潜水的技巧,感受到了与海洋的亲密接触。这无疑是我假期中最难忘的经历之一。

4. 第三天,我决定远离岛上的喧嚣,来到一个僻静的山谷。这里有清澈见底的湖泊和茂密的森林。我躺在湖边的草地上,享受着宁静和美好,闭上眼睛只听大自然的呼吸声。或许正是这个假期,我第一次真正理解了“返璞归真”的含义。

5. 假期的最后一天,我到了一个当地的温泉度假村放松身心。泡在温暖的水中,感受温泉水滋润肌肤的同时,我的身心得到了极大的放松。坐在露天温泉池中,仰望星空,我感受到了宇宙的无穷宽广。一个难忘的假期就这样结束了,而我带着满心的感激和对生活的热爱回到了现实中。


During this vacation, I went to a remote and peaceful island as my travel destination. This small island is recognized as a natural green treasure, with vast beaches and beautiful sea views. I eagerly set foot on this pure land, looking forward to a vacation of intimate contact with nature.

On the first day, I rode my bike and wandered along the small path on the island. The scenery along the way is picturesque and picturesque, with green trees in shade, flowers blooming, and distant mountains like daisies. I stopped at a small coffee shop on the island to taste the local cuisine. In the warm sunshine, I completely forgot about my busy life and only focused on the happiness and joy of the present.

The next day, I took a diving course. Jumping into the blue sea, I felt like I was in another world, surrounded by colorful corals and various wonderful marine creatures. In this beautiful underwater world, I learned the skills of diving and felt the intimate contact with the ocean. This is undoubtedly one of the most unforgettable experiences of my vacation.

On the third day, I decided to stay away from the hustle and bustle of the island and come to a secluded valley. There are clear lakes and dense forests here. I lay on the grass by the lake, enjoying the tranquility and beauty, closing my eyes and listening only to the breathing sounds of nature. Perhaps it was this holiday that I truly understood the meaning of 'returning to simplicity' for the first time.

On the last day of the holiday, I went to a local hot spring resort to relax and unwind. Soaking in warm water and experiencing the moisturizing effect of hot spring water on my skin, my body and mind were greatly relaxed. Sitting in the open-air hot spring pool, looking up at the starry sky, I felt the infinite vastness of the universe. An unforgettable holiday ended like this, and I returned to reality with full gratitude and love for life.


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